Hello and welcome to my very 1st mission Campaign 1 map!
What is this map? This map is take on the Protoss Mission on BW. 1st mission, when Raynor and Fenix stay be hide and fight for Aiur that is all I don't want to spoiled the map.
As of right now I am working on updating the map with any bug fixes and changes!
Map Release date: July 18, 2024. Last updated July 18 2024.
latest map version: 1.01v or 1.00v last update Aug 3rd 2024
This map is an [Signal Player mode]
All for now.
Whatever else you need to know:
To report bugs and feedback do the following: discord(s) StarCraft Broodwar Community! Many thanks!
if you find errors or anything report it here. Or ideas too, on the number example: "01 or 02 or 03 etc etc" mission map you are playing. Discord only!
**Things: **
Same AI EUDs codes from my 7vs1 random computer map, is added to my campaigns maps. the ai is smart enough to rebuild it's buildings in some place it built or per-place sometimes. (Terran Ai Color Teal, Raynor) will sometimes build his base into your base. I guess sharing is caring. 😂
Can pick 3 modes to fire (Raynor is un changed in modes) Easy/Normal/Hard. (Using key F7 F8 F9 on the keyboard)
|Side note: Teal won't mine gas, at all, so there is a trigger to give him gas over time.|
**Small Story: **
This part of the story is sort of an branch of Protoss Mission 1, when Raynor and Fenix stay be hide to fight and protect Aiur.
(However there will be a sort of a pot twist with my take on the story's.)
What is this map? This map is take on the Protoss Mission on BW. 1st mission, when Raynor and Fenix stay be hide and fight for Aiur that is all I don't want to spoiled the map.
As of right now I am working on updating the map with any bug fixes and changes!
Map Release date: July 18, 2024. Last updated July 18 2024.
latest map version: 1.01v or 1.00v last update Aug 3rd 2024
This map is an [Signal Player mode]
All for now.
Whatever else you need to know:
To report bugs and feedback do the following: discord(s) StarCraft Broodwar Community! Many thanks!
if you find errors or anything report it here. Or ideas too, on the number example: "01 or 02 or 03 etc etc" mission map you are playing. Discord only!
**Things: **
Same AI EUDs codes from my 7vs1 random computer map, is added to my campaigns maps. the ai is smart enough to rebuild it's buildings in some place it built or per-place sometimes. (Terran Ai Color Teal, Raynor) will sometimes build his base into your base. I guess sharing is caring. 😂
Can pick 3 modes to fire (Raynor is un changed in modes) Easy/Normal/Hard. (Using key F7 F8 F9 on the keyboard)
|Side note: Teal won't mine gas, at all, so there is a trigger to give him gas over time.|
**Small Story: **
This part of the story is sort of an branch of Protoss Mission 1, when Raynor and Fenix stay be hide to fight and protect Aiur.
(However there will be a sort of a pot twist with my take on the story's.)
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